Social responsibility is a key aspect of the Navot TZ plan.
An ESG-approved process adds value to the cashew supply chain and  ensures that we are positively contributing to the talent-pool and farmers' livelihood.

it's all starts with the farm

The Navot's Farmers

It is our mission to revise the old-fashioned methods of processing cashews. To accomplish this, we are using cutting-edge technologies, cultivating relationships with farmers, ensuring employee welfare, and constructing a zero-pollution factory. By providing the mechanical model to the market, a smallholder will be able to grow 4 times the amount of crops based on cultivating 16 hectares versus the current 4 hectares.

humen-focused factory


Navot will lead a program to ensure the  satisfaction of its employees by tying the  success of an individual’s performance to  their compensation. The Navot management team is seeking to erect a social network neighborhood using the Japanese, ‘Kaizen’, model for retention a of capable and educated labor force and local management.